There is an urgent need across the denomination to define the best and easiest ways to meet virtually as a church. This webinar, a seminar conducted over the Internet, will focus on the ways churches can use technology during this unprecedented time, specifically in regards to meeting as a congregation.
Join us on either Tuesday, March 24th at 7 pm (EST) or on Wednesday, March 25th at 3 pm (EST) for this webinar.
To access the webinar, select the corresponding ZOOM link below:
– Please join the call 7-10 minutes prior as we will begin promptly at the designated time.
– The webinar will last 45 minutes with 15 minutes allotted at the end for Q&A.
– Connor will be available to set up a scheduled meeting with you in the days following the webinar to answer any further questions. To schedule a meeting, please see the link following:
Creating a ZOOM account is optional, but you must have the software to join the call. To learn how to use Zoom before the webinar, view the tutorial here. If you have a smartphone, you can download and install the app to instantly join the call via the link. To download and install ZOOM to your computer, visit https://zoom.us/download .
We look forward to seeing you soon!