Bonclarken Music Conference
July 14-19, 2019

Welcome to the 2019 Bonclarken Music Conference! We are excited about another great summer. We are even more excited to provide another wonderful week of top-quality clinicians, worship, music, fellowship, and fun! We would love for you to consider bringing your choir, sending your church choir director, children’s choir directors, and anyone who has an interest in music and worship. We would really like to see as many youth, middle school and all ages of children in addition to many adults at the conference this summer.

Our clinicians this summer are:

Adult Choir: Dr. Eric Nelson – Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Youth Choir: Dr. Troy Robertson – Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas
Middle School Choir: David Mandt – Birmingham Boy Choir, Birmingham, AL
Junior Choir: Amy Joye – Greenville, SC
Primary and Cherub Choirs: Cheri Owensby – Greenville ARP Church, Greenville, SC

We will enjoy leadership during the week in crafts by Heidi Shealy, of Lexington, SC, and our minister for the week will be Andrew Shoger, from Coddle Creek ARP Church. He will also be our Devotional Leader at the Nibble Nook each evening for our middle school and youth choirs. Our organist will be David Coleman, Greenville ARP Church and 2000 Erskine College graduate. Sarah Dagenhart, First ARP Church, Rock Hill, SC, will be our Children’s Church Devotional Leader, and David Hooks, First ARP Church, Gastonia, NC, will lead music at both Children’s Church and the Nibble Nook in the evenings. Brady Hanes, Centennial ARP Church, Columbia, SC, will lead our recreation and our awesome night activities.

This week will feature reading sessions, interest sessions, and voice and organ classes. Kristen Wonderlich, from Lancaster’s First ARP Church and Winthrop University, will be our Voice Instructor. We will also have organ and worship workshops. There will be informational and insightful workshops by composers as well as others on helpful topics.

Evening activities will include a special concert Monday night. We will have our annual talent show on Tuesday night, and the Youth and Middle School Choirs will have a pool party while the children will have their traditional Carnival on Wednesday evening.

We hope you will join us this summer for what we think will be an incredible week. Our theme of the week is “Give Thanks: A Grateful Heart.” Our music in choirs and our theme in worship will be centered on giving thanks to our Lord and Savior.

Lynn Grimsley, Norma Jean Huffstetler, and I are truly blessed to be a part of this ministry of our denomination! We hope to see you at the 2019 Bonclarken Music Conference this summer for a great week!

Trip McGill


To download the registration booklet, click here.