Website Northeast Presbytery Church Planter

Church Planter – Baltimore-D.C. Metro Area

The Northeast Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church seeks to plant a church that is outreach-oriented and distinctively Reformed and Presbyterian in the Baltimore-D.C. Metro area. Other northeastern cities will be considered, depending on demographics, core group potential, and ministry connections.

We are seeking a winsome and godly man who has a demonstrable record in personal evangelism, skill in expository preaching, the ability to articulate the Reformed faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, a commitment to reformed worship and, if married, a healthy family life and a wife who shares his commitment to church planting and hospitality. He should have a M.Div. (with Greek and Hebrew) from an accredited and approved seminary and be ordained in a NAPARC denomination or eligible for ordination/reception/transfer into the ARP.

More information about church planting with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church can be found at

Before applying, please fill out the Self-Assessment Instrument, “Is Church Planting in the ARP a Good Fit for Me?” found at

Our synod and presbytery offer personal assessment for church planting gifts, training, provisional session oversight, manpower from nearby sister churches, and a competitive compensation package.

For more information, contact Peter Kemeny, chairman of Outreach Northeast Committee (301-473-7070;

To apply for this job email your details to