Dear Bonclarken Music Conference Contact, ARP Pastor, ARP Music Director, or anyone receiving this email interested in the 2025 Bonclarken Music Conference

This email is for your information so that you can access the 2025 Bonclarken Music Conference Information, Registration Materials and anything you’d like to know about the conference for this summer. (The booklet is attached also and we suggest for you to print a copy for yourself if you need one because we will NOT be mailing a copy of this booklet this year so that we can further be better stewards of our budgeted items.)

Please make sure that this information gets directly into the hands of the Contact Person for your church who handles the Bonclarken Music Conference Registrations if that is not you. We are looking forward to the conference this summer.

Please make sure to read EVERYTHING in this email and access the Registration Booklet to read and learn about the conference this summer. 

Registration Information

  • The registration booklet will NOT be physically mailed to you. It will be an attachment to this email and also online. You will find the link to the booklet later in this letter.
  • The registration PROCESS will also be done strictly ONLINE with Bonclarken. You will be provided a link for the Registration process later in this email. If you are requesting Bonclarken Housing, you will register for that as well. If you are staying in a church house or private housing, you will opt out of the housing request.
  • Registration Timeline:  March 1 – April, 30, 2025 – register at the stated registration price. (you can still add people at this price, if you have to until May 15, 2025. Please help us by trying to register during the March 1 – April 30 timespan. This will enable us to order music and supplies in a timely manner. After May 15, 2025, we will observe the late registration fees  (back to pre-Covid rules)  We hope this will help you and help us to plan accordingly. HOUSING REQUESTS  will open on April 1, 2025.
  • When you register ONLINE, you will either use your church credit card or your church check routing number to pay your deposit.
  • When you register for the Conference, IF you need Bonclarken Housing, you will choose your housing online at the same site.
  • All payments for your Conference Registration Deposit and your Housing Deposit will be paid ONLINE.
  • If you have questions about the Conference itself, you may contact Trip McGill ( or Lynn Grimsley (·   If you have questions about the process of registration for the conference or housing with the online process, please contact Amanda Carnley at Bonclarken ( or 828.692.2223 ext. 709.
  • Churches will be provided with a Bulletin Insert to be used to distribute information about our new process.
  • Churches should plan to register as a GROUP – with ONLY the Contact person registering the entire church group at one time. (The contact person will need to know the Conferee Name, Appropriate Choir, Voice Part and the housing you wish to request.)  ONLY ONE PERSON PER CHURCH should register a Group.
  • IF you are an INDIVIDUAL – (only one person registering as a single person coming to the conference, you will register yourself using the same system)
  • All Forms – Bonclarken Music Conference Waiver/Media Release Form will all be part of the ONLINE process. If you are with a group or are a Contact Person for the Group, you will be given a link/code to send to your group members and they will enter all information requested for all forms. If you are an INDIVIDUAL – you will also be given a code to complete your forms.

Conference Booklet Link:

Bonclarken Music Conference Registration Booklet

Conference Registration and Housing Request Link: (this link will go live on April 1, 2025)

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to a fantastic conference this summer.

In His Service,

Trip McGill